Email security

Proxmox Mail Gateway
20 May 2021 by
Email security
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Jorge Rubén Elena Poblet
proxmox mail gateway tenerife

Protect your company's devices from spam, viruses, trojans, or phishing.

Proxmox Mail Gateway is a Comprehensive Email Security Platform to protect your mail server against all threats in real-time. Its flexible architecture combined with a user-friendly interface and web-based administration allows system administrators in your company to control all incoming and outgoing email to protect your teams from spam, viruses, phishing, and trojans.

Thanks to being an open-source solution, organizations of all types and sizes can access this email protection tool and deploy its advantages in a short period of time.

This email proxy is deployed between the firewall and the mail server, allowing control of all email traffic on a single platform.

Proxmox Tenerife

Our email servers have this protection, and our systems administration team has extensive experience implementing this system.

Simple integration

Designed as a software appliance, the strength of Proxmox Mail Gateway is its flexibility. It can be easily integrated into your current email infrastructure and is compatible with MS Exchange, Lotus Domino, or Postfix. It can also be installed virtually.


Proxmox Mail Gateway integra el motor de antivirus ClamAV y varios métodos de filtrado. El innovador sistema Tracking de Proxmox, posibilidad de configurar con alta disponibilidad en un clúster y más para detener troyanos, virus, malware y otras amenazas.

Accessible and Scalable

Solo un servidor de Proxmox Mail Gateway puede administrar dominios ilimitados con múltiples servidores de correos internos y millones de emails por día. También se cuenta con un sistema de subscripciones bastante accesible, para escalar las necesidades según sus capacidades mientras crece.

¿Tienes problemas con tu sistema de correos electrónicos? Muchas empresas utilizan Proxmox Mail Gateway para proteger su sistema.

Contacta con un experto para más información