Case Optimizing food distribution in Duwison Guitian with Odoo

Food Distribution, Logistics and Storage Company
7 December 2022 by
Case Optimizing food distribution in Duwison Guitian with Odoo
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Jorge Rubén Elena Poblet

Company Name: Duwison Guitián

Industry: import, distribution, logistics and marketing of food and beverages. 

Country: Spain

Number of employees: +20

Services offered / or main Apps implemented: Time & Attendance, Access Control, Employee Portal, Purchasing Flow, CRM, Sales, Website, Fleet, Inventory Logistics, Purchasing, Accounting, Email Marketing and Quality Control. 

Acerca de Duwison Guitián

Duwison Guitián began its operations in 1994; and as part of its growth and increased requirements, it began to face serious difficulties in complying with the processing of purchase orders, product delivery, handling expiry dates on SKUs, lack of management control and traceability. The loss of goods in the delivery process and the shrinkage caused by the lack of control began to become evident.

Lo anteriormente mencionado generó que  la directiva propusiera un cambio de tecnología, esto luego de haber cuantificado los niveles de pérdida que esta problemática les traía. 

​They were able to radically change their original approach from an isolated platform with little cohesion and lack of integration (manual processes, excel sheets, closed system for invoicing), to an integrated platform with a scalable architecture and ubiquitous access such as the Odoo business management system. sistema de gestión empresarial Odoo.

The objectives and challenges of logistics implementation with Odoo 

Uno de los desafíos inmediatos fue el análisis de los diversos requerimientos y dar las soluciones necesarias, transformar primero los procesos no críticos fue una decisión que rompió barreras con los usuarios. Esto nos permitió mostrarles soluciones inmediatas. Procesos que les llevaban horas de trabajo ya lo veían resuelto con muy pocos clics en la aplicación. 

Para abordar los procesos críticos de la implementación del software de logística Odoo, centramos el esfuerzo en cumplir con los siguientes objetivos:

  • - Implement the warehouse module for product inventory management, verification of the status of the goods, entry/exit of SKUs. We developed an APP to complement the robust Inventory module, which would allow logistics staff to record from a portable device the temperature from the time of pickup and delivery of the goods, control the status of the truck for transport, perform quality controls and even take photos of the process.  
  • Digitalizamos procesos: como infraestructura TI Replicación y seguridad del sistema, control de asistencia, control de acceso, portal para empleados, flujo de compras, Odoo CRM, ventas, sitio web, Flota, logística, logística de inventarios, compra, contabilidad Odoo, marketing por email, control de calidad, etc.
  • We developed a logistics control APP that allows transporters to access from a PDA to the delivery notes pending delivery and to carry out the delivery process of the goods with the customer's acceptance. 

The work of the Odoo community was a fundamental part of the project. More than 87 community applications were required for the implementation.

Si actualmente estás buscando opciones de ERP o empresas para realizar esa implantación, no dudes en consultarnos, habla con un experto de Odoo.

We love to see companies grow and evolve in the desired direction and we are there to see it, to help them, and to evolve together.

If you are currently looking for ERP options or companies to make that implementation, do not hesitate to consult us, talk to an Odoo expert.

More than 15 companies use our mobile warehouse application.

​More information on the application can be found here

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Ingenieros, técnicos y consultores especializados en Odoo desde 2016 y con más de 250 proyectos! 

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